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It is with great pride that we announce the arrival of the first fleet of FIT bikes propelled by Lyft Urban Solutions in Brazil. Accessible to 80 stations through Recife, the country’s fourth-largest urban agglomeration, the 800 bicycles deployed will mark the beginning of the spreading of the network in Brazil. We have found strong partners in Tembici and Itaù and are confident that this collaboration will result in a smooth deployment and a successful bike-sharing system.

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Lyft Urban Solutions fabrica su propia tecnología avanzada y fácil de usar.

Nuestras soluciones tecnológicas incluyen el software de gestión basado en la nube, la aplicación Lyft Urban Solutions, las estaciones inteligentes y el dispositivo de anclaje patentado que bloquea tu bicicleta y se comunica con el sistema operativo.