Fully electric bikeshare system touching down in Zaragoza, Spain!
January 16, 2025 — Launches & expansionsLaunches & expansions
Lyft Urban Solutions Bike Share Set to Launch in Dej as Romania Moves Towards Sustainable Transportation
Lyft Urban Solutions is proud to have been selected as the bike share system provider for the city of Dej, in Romania, as they take the next step in achieving sustainable transportation.
Having previously worked with the city of Sibiu in modernizing their urban transportation network, this marks the second city in Romania to select the Lyft Urban Solutions team in starting their public bike share program. This latest project is possible through our strategic partnership with Sustainable Mobility Solutions SRL (SUMS). The project, set to launch in the upcoming year, will see the city of Dej roll out 221 of our ICONIC bikes to start with. In addition to that, they’ll also be equipped with 16 of our Stations with Smart Lit Panels that allow for impactful messaging and modern advertising at their docking locations.
Changing the Way We Think About Transportation
Sustainable transportation for the people of Dej has been and continues to be one of the main focuses for the local administration in these last years. It is more important now than ever before, with the critical situation we are facing due to climate change, that the city takes the lead in attempting to reduce their carbon footprint on daily trips per inhabitant. With micromobility’s growing influence on global impact when it comes to environmentally friendly initiatives, bike sharing is a core strategy for their government in encouraging citizens to think differently about travel—especially for short trips that complement the other transit modes.
According to a recent study that collected travel activity data across seven European cities, across different modes and purposes, cyclists were proven to have “84% lower CO2 emissions from all daily travel than non-cyclists”. In fact, the study revealed that daily car travel contributed to 70% of the daily mobility-related CO2 emissions as measured per person. The estimate for the average person that shifts their daily travel mode from car to bike would decrease their life cycle emissions by 3.2 kg CO2/day.
Promoting active travel, especially in urban areas, should not be underestimated as a core strategy towards helping cities meet their net zero carbon targets. To put it in numbers, it was shown by the same study that the life cycle CO2 emissions were proven to decrease by an impressive 14% with each additional cycling trip by person.
A Growing Sustainability Movement in Dej, Romania & Europe
For Dej, like many cities in Europe today, implementing a new bike share system city-wide is a targeted way to encourage people to decrease their carbon footprint in their daily travels and take advantage of greener transit modes. In fact, this latest initiative comes shortly after the City decided to go fully electric with its public bus system. This initial project is just the beginning for the administration of Dej, as they are already considering future initiatives to offer a fully integrated transportation offering.
SUMS is Lyft Urban Solutions’s partner in Romania, promoting bike sharing solutions for the Romanian market. The two companies were selected after a c tender was launched by the City. After months of evaluations and comparisons of the different sustainable transportation technologies and micromobility systems on the market, Dej established that Lyft Urban Solutions and their track record of successful bike share programs in cities like Dubai, Monaco, Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro made them the strongest candidate to help them achieve their mission for a sustainable future. Another reason for choosing Lyft Urban Solutions was their expansive ecosystem of technologies, including the SmartLock, Geofencing capabilities and diverse assortment of bikes and e-bikes. Lyft Urban Solutions also has a large staff of in-house micromobility technology experts constantly building and improving on functionalities to both their software and hardware.
“SUMS is proud to be delivering another successful micromobility project in Romania, and we are looking forward to helping the city of Dej modernize their urban mobility for their mission of long-term sustainability. Our partnership with Lyft Urban Solutions has allowed us to reach these incredible cities and ensure they get the best technologies on the market when deploying Smart City solutions to improve the quality of life and reduce their carbon footprint.” — Marian Ionut Istrate, General Manager, Sustainable Urban Mobility Solutions SRL (SUMS).
“Romania is quickly becoming a player in the conversation around global sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint,” says Gian Carlo Crivello, CRO at Lyft Urban Solutions. “We are proud to support the great city of Dej with the technology necessary to achieve the positive change they want for their people. I am looking forward to seeing our Lyft Urban Solutions bikes and technology deployed on their streets and look forward to many, many years of hearing about how happy their citizens are as we continue our partnership. Tomorrow’s world starts today!”
Tomorrow’s World Starts Today
Lyft Urban Solutions is an international technology leader in the world of micromobility today. They provide sustainable technologies for alternative transportation to cities across the world.
The ever-expanding Lyft Urban Solutions ecosystem of technologies includes everything from state-of-the-art ICONIC & FIT bikes and BOOST & E-FIT e-bikes to the Comet tracking and management platform for local operators, Smart Stations with available solar powered functionality, MaaS (Mobility as a Service), white label mobile APP for new cities, Geofencing capabilities, and much more.
Lyft Urban Solutions continues to focus on helping to build tomorrow’s world, as progressive cities across the globe rethink their urban infrastructure for active modes of transport. For over a decade, they have been the leading provider of Bike Share solutions across the major continents with innovations that continue to push what can be done to improve sustainable transport.
To learn more about Lyft Urban Solutions’s global impact, Smart Cities, industry news, updates on technologies and events, sign up to the Lyft Urban Solutions Newsletter today.
Are you looking to become a local operator or bring Bike Share to your city?
Contact us at info@lyfturbansolutions.com